Internet of Things (IoT) Adoption in Telecom Industry

May 15, 2018

The internet of things is already here and its impact can be felt in various aspects such as smart cities, smart homes and internet connected cars among others. As the IoT continues to change how people interact with machines, soon humans will rely on it entirely and it will become the internet of everything. When that time comes, the devices will be internet connected, and they will be collecting and exchanging data with each other on the cloud.

Wake up call for Telecommunication Industry

The internet market has grown so much as a result of the high number of mobile devices. The devices consume a high amount of data. This has led the telecommunication industry to fine-tune their data services and strategies to keep up with the changing consumer behavior. In a bid to prepare for the changes the industry has to realign its business model, infrastructure and partnership.

Time for Customized Consumer Applications

With several changes taking place, it is impossible for telecom industry providers to rely on a one-size-fits-all model. To meet the various demands, the providers must rely on their infrastructure. For them to deliver flawless solutions, platforms and network, the providers must adopt cloud technologies at a faster rate. IoT is big on machine to machine connections and this explains why mobile network operators are already rolling out new applications with high quality functionalities for uninterrupted services. To be able to provide such services, the providers will need to have a robust cloud infrastructure. It is important for the to adapt to new application deployment and scalability so it must be flexible and agile. Efficient service will require uninterrupted network at the right speed and time.

The Role of Data

Mobile providers must think about their data strategies even as they adapt to cloud technologies. Consumers have various data requirements which the providers must find a way of meeting. One of the strategies that the providers must use is novel value propositions and innovative pricing models. Whichever model they choose to use, they must ensure that it is friendly so that mobile devices can stay connected to the internet without disruptions. As long as providers embrace strategies that favor the consumer, they will enjoy increased profits. There is no alternative for the providers other than provide high quality network services that can support upcoming devices and capabilities.

Need for Partnerships

Telecom industry must identify the various consumer data demands and find ways of meeting them. Cars require very fast internet connection while smart metering will require a low bandwidth network. Telecom industry will need to work together with platform providers to be able to provide tailored platforms at reduced operational expenses. IoT needs data to be processed, stored, aggregated, managed, and shared effectively. This is why the telecommunication industry must work with platform providers.


The IoT has a huge impact on the telecom industry. For the impact to be beneficial, the industry has to adapt to the changes by providing customized services which benefit their consumers. Better cloud infrastructure, data monetization, partnering with platform providers, and adaptable data network are some ways that the telecommunication industry will use.

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